It depends, I got one via recommendation for a telehealth friendly therapist who is very experienced in dx’ing the “female phenotype” — I was desperate for confirmation, so just paid out of pocket, and she’s in another state so I’d have to find one in-state for Disability if that becomes a need. I’m not sure how the state-approving way works, I can’t even find a in-network shrink w/experience in adult autism tbh.
But, I suppose the dx process actually started before that: the self-diagnosis process. I recommend joining Facebook autism groups that welcome those in the ‘maybe’ process (searching #actuallyautistic is helpful) — that’s where I got the rec, and where I learned that it was extremely likely to be a yes. Self-tests are also helpful to see if it’s something worth pursuing
Sending good vibes that you get your answers, whatever they may be, ASAP!